Posts Tagged ‘ king ’

Wrath of the Lich King – Frostweave Farming

This is going to be my second post in a series I am planning on doing featuring some great ways to make gold off of older content.  To level tailoring, a tailor needs to have ~ 1650 frostweave cloth. That, even for current content, is an immense amount of cloth. Now with very few people actually running through Northrend these days, it can be very hard to find enough cloth to get past this huge barrier. What I have for you here is a great little place with mobs that fall down like dominoes, and there are plenty of them to go around. You will be killing Converted Hero’s in the area highlighted below. Group them up, AOE them down, and loot their rotting carcasses for some nice profit. Now without competition, I could farm about 14 stacks on hour on my mage with Northern Cloth Scavenging. Without this ability, expect to get significantly less cloth. On my server, I can sell a single stack for up to about 80g per. That’s well over 1k an hour if your servers economy is up for it. ENJOY!